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An Experimental Investigation and Prediction of Laser Welding Process |
Mr. Dhavalkumar K. Soni & Prof. D. M. Patel |
Abstract – Fiber laser welding process has successfully used for joining similar as well as dissimilar metals. Welding with fiber laser is still a very young technology. Fiber laser for materials processing have undergone a rapid development in the past several years. In this study, the laser welding process on mild steel (IS 2062 Grade A) sheets of 1 mm using fiber laser have been experimentally investigated and the experimental results have been used to prepare the prediction model. A statistical design of experiment (DOE) method full factorial design with help of Design expert 8.0.7 software have been used for designing the experimental work. The selected laser welding input parameters (laser power, travelling speed and focal position) have been used for the three output parameters (ultimate tensile strength, depth of penetration and weld bead width) and the relation between these parameters have been analyzed. The effect of each parameter has been studied. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) has been used for finding the contribution of each factor on the output parameters. The main effects plots and the interaction effect plots have been plotted in order to understand the actual effect of input on the output. The responses have been predicted by Artificial Neural Network (ANN) using MATLAB. |
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Solidification Analysis and Optimization Using Pro-Cast |
Prof. Bhupendra J. Chudasama |
Abstract – Now days in Industries it is very important to save time and money in manufacturing product, because there is lots of competition in industrial world. Main objective of this project is redesigned of component using Pro-cast software and increasing of this product life. Many researchers reported that about 90% of the defects in castings are due to wrong design of gating & risering system and only 10% due to manufacturing problems. Casting simulation process can able to solve these problems. It has observed that various type of simulation software has been used in foundry, out of which FEM and VEM based casting simulations are widely used in foundry. To study the solidification behaviour of material and detection of hot spots in castings with the help of mentioned above casting simulation software. The simulated results also compared with the experimental works. |
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An Application of Lean Manufacturing to Enhance the Runtime in the Machine Shop |
Samir Sama & Prof. H. G. Rajput |
Abstract – In this competitive world the challenges against manufacturing firm are on time delivery and quality. So it is necessary to run machine at maximum possible time. So ultimately the think or the view developed that how to increase the efficiency of the machine. This paper describes the use of value stream mapping to improve the efficiency of machine shop. Generally there is mind set to use value stream mapping for whole process including all process stage and information. In this paper an effort is to carry out to use value stream mapping to identifying the wastes occurring during machining only. |
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Landscape Planning |
Kinjalba K. Sodha |
Abstract – A Family’s house and grounds should provide them with a source of pride ,a retreat for relaxation, a place for entertaining friends, and a refuge from workday pressures. The area around home is an important part of human living environment .it can add pleasure to the human’s life. Landscaping can also increase property value .landscaping plays very important role to balance ecology. As detail survey carried with relation to human being’s daily life’s routine, it is found that “every human being spend his major part of life i.e 75 % of life in buildings & very few time he or she spend their life in nature i.e 25 % while travelling or some sites like picnic spot for relaxations from their daily busy schedule of life. Human being’s are the part of nature, but due to advance technologies & inside home entertainment facilities & busy working schedules he or she are going away from nature & it’s very dangerous for human being’s life, indoor atmospheres of buildings gives all types of facilities but not the natural environment, this thing will put extra stress on his or her mind or on their life. So natural environment is very essential for human beings to remove their daily stress with help of nature. |
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Thermal Comfort Techniques for Urban Poor’s Housing |
Jayeshkumar M. Prajapati |
Abstract – It is known to everyone, that urban lower income group peoples are not have sufficient money to construct their homes, they always try to curtail the cost of their home, by using cost-effective materials, but they do not use cost effective home construction techniques this will be the main risk at their home . due to housing area & volume deficiency many of urban peoples are suffering many deceases related to their health; i.e. indoor air pollution & heat strokes are the main cause to the health, these would be keep in control by some cost efficient thermal comfort techniques suggested by in chapter 5.0 , after of study different literatures. |
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Management of Manpower, Materials and Machinery while Planning and Construction of Road Projects in Tribal area |
Shyamkant S. Borse |
Abstract – Highway maintenance can be defined as preserving and keeping each component of highway such as roadway, structure, and other components as far as possible in their original condition and provide such additional work which is necessary to keep the traffic moving safely. Thus maintenance of highway comprises of the following maintenance works. (a) Maintenance of road surface (b) Maintenance of shoulders (c) Maintenance of roadway drainage (d) Maintenance of bridges and other structures (e) Maintenance of road sides etc. |
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To Enhance the Engineering Properties of Clay Bricks with use of Fly Ash |
Devendra B. Garud |
Abstract – Mixing various properties of fly ash in clay material (5-50% by weight, in ratio of dry fly ash to wet clay, at a step of 5% each) this will from 16 bricks of each proportion have been manufactured. The manufacturing process uses techniques and equipment similar to those used in clay brick factories. The bricks produced were up to 10.60% lighter than clay bricks. The bricks manufactured from fly ash possessed compressive strength more than 5 N/mm2 which is more than normal clay bricks. This exceeds some of the best of load carrying clay bricks and is several times better than acceptable commercially available common clay bricks. Other important characteristics of the fly ash bricks have been evaluated. These included water absorption capacity, compressive strength and Efflorescence test. Fly ash bricks absorb less quantity of water which is under I.S. requirement. Fly ash-clay bricks give nil efflorescence. The values of these characteristics for fly ash bricks are excellent and have exceeded those pertaining to clay bricks. Moreover, fly ash bricks have been produced with a naturally occurring reddish colour similar to that of normal clay bricks. The new bricks and process have been given the name Fly ash Bricks. This work presents the results of testing and the advantages gained by this type of bricks over conventional clay bricks. |