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Reciprocal Access Direct for Online Social Networks: Model and Mechanisms |
Ravula Venkatesh & N.Swapna |
Abstract – There is knowledgeable marvelous growth in fresh years by online social networks and become a effectively doorway for hundreds of millions of Internet users. These online social networks offer eye-catching means for digital social exchanges and information distribution, but also move up a number of privacy and security issues. While online social networks allow users to control access to shared data, they presently do not provide any mechanism to enforce privacy concerns over data associated with many users. To this end, we propose an approach to enable the protection of shared data associated with multiple users in online social networks. We prepare an access control model to take into custody the essence of multiparty authorization requirements, along with a policy enforcement mechanism and a multiparty policy specification system.
Via this paper we are going to study about model and mechanism systems in analysis of multiparty access control. The correctness of realization of an access control model is based on the premise that the access control model is valid…We pursue an efficient solution to facilitate collaborative management of common data in OSNs. We begin by investigate how the lack of multiparty access control for data sharing in OSNs can undermine the protection of user data. Some distinctive data sharing patterns with respect to multiparty authorization in OSNs are also identified. We make official a Multiparty Access Control (MPAC) model for OSNs. |
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A Protection Architecture Achieving Inscrutability and Traceability in Wireless Mesh Networks |
Manjitha Rathod & M.A. Siddique |
Abstract – A wireless mesh network is very similar to a regular wireless network. However the difference is that the former network covers a much larger area, than the later. The nodes in the WMNs can configure automatically and re-configure dynamically to maintain the mesh connectivity. One of the fundamental challenges in WMNs is how to achieve Anonymity and traceability for mobile node. In the existing architecture Domain administrator issues the Batch of tickets to the mobile client, it increases the mobile client’s storage overhead and adversary attacks. To avoid this I present a new system in which the Domain administrator provides single Ticket to the client during the ticket issuance protocol based on the user profile which is included in agreement and It includes the renewal field for deposited Ticket. It increases the client connectivity with its home Domain administrator with considerable anonymity and traceability. Further this model increases the efficiency. |
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Edge Potency Filter Based Color Filter Array Interruption |
Gurrala Maheshwar, B. Sowjanya, Kethavath Narender & Prakash J. Patil |
Abstract – The basis of the proposed algorithm is the observation that the constant color difference assumption tends to fail across edges. A commercial digital camera captures only one of these channels at each pixel location and the other two needs to be estimated to generate the complete color information this process is called color filter array (CFA) interpolation. Most commercial digital cameras are provided three color sensors (RGB) for quality color images. In order to reduce the cost, the use of one sensor per channel has been avoided with the use of color filter array (CFA) in front of the sensor and then interpolates the missing color samples to obtain a three channel color image. This interpolation introduces special correlations which are likely to be destroyed when tampering with an image. The red and blue images are sampled at a lower rate, so if standard interpolation techniques are used, the reconstructed red and blue images will be missing some high frequency information and could contain distortions from aliasing. This paper proposes an orientation-free edge strength filter and applies it to the demos icing problem. Edge strength filter output is utilized both to improve the initial green channel interpolation and to apply the constant color difference rule adaptively. This simple edge directed method yields visually pleasing results with high CPSNR. |
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VLSI Based Robust Router Architecture |
M. Sowmya, C. Shireesha , G. Swetha & Prakash J. Patil |
Abstract – Through this paper our attempt is to give a onetime networking solution by the means of merging the VLSI field with the networking field as now a days the router is the key player in networking domain so the focus remains on that itself to get a good control over the network, Networking router today are with minimum pins and to enhance the network we go for the bridging loops which effect the latency and security concerns. The other is of multiple protocols being used in the industry today. Through this paper the attempt is to overcome the security and latency issues with protocol switching technique embedded in the router engine itself. This paper is based on the hardware coding which will give a great impact on the latency issue as the hardware itself will be designed according to the need. In this paper our attempt is to provide a multipurpose networking router by means of Verilog code, by this we can maintain the same switching speed with more secured way of approach we have even the packet storage buffer on chip being generated by code in our design in the so we call this as the self-independent router called as the VLSI Based router. This paper has the main focus on the implementation of hardware IP router. The approach here is that router will process multiple incoming IP packets with different versions of protocols simultaneously and even it is going to hold true for the IPv4 as well as for IPv6. With the approach of increasing switching speed of a routing per packet for both the current trend protocols. This paper thus is going to be a revolutionary enhancement in the domain of networking. |
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Authentic Time Hardware Co-simulation of Edge Discovery for Video Processing System |
R. Naresh, R. Shivaji & Prakash J. Patil |
Abstract – A hardware implementation of a real time video edge detector has been realized on a Xillinx Spartan-3A, the edge detection implementation is based on Sobel algorithm with a dynamically adjusted threshold. Threshold adjustment is based on both; a threshold seed calculated based on a moving average of pixel gradients and a user-input used to scale the calculated threshold seed. A methodology for implementing real-time DSP applications on a field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) using Xilinx System Generator (XSG) for Mat lab is presented in this paper.
It presents architecture for Edge Detection using Sobel Filter for image processing using Xilinx System Generator. The design was implemented targeting a Spartan3A DSP 3400 device (XC3SD3400A-4FGG676C) then a Virtex 5 (xc5vlx50-1ff676). The Edge Detection method has been verified successfully with no visually perceptual errors in the resulted images. To take full advantage of the FPGA capabilities, the hardware implementation is based on parallel communicating sequential processes. Inter-process synchronization is achieved with simple request-grant handshaking protocol. |
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Disseminated and Redundant Design of Ship Monitoring and Control Network |
C Srinivas, Kola Anjani Kumar, B. Laxman & Prakash J. Patil |
Abstract – The modern integrated monitoring system of ships plays an important role intelligent control and systematic management to the instruments and equipments are integrated both on bridge and in engine room in ship automation. The design scheme of the ship integrated monitoring and operating system based on two layers distributed and redundant computer network was presented in this paper. The distributed schemes are fully applied to both software and hardware. The composition, software distribution and redundant technology in the upper local network were described, some important sample codes was given to prove the design and can be realized. The technologies here can be applied in the other industrial fields. |