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Intensive Study of Performance of Microstrip Antenna of Circular Parasitic Patches |
Shashishekara N. Kakathkar & Dr. Nandkumar M. Shetti |
Abstract – In this paper, comparative study on effect of gap of circular parasitic elements on bandwidth and return loss of microstrip antennas is presented. Antenna with parasitic elements gives a large bandwidth as compared to the conventional microstrip antennas. Here a circular patch with resonance frequency 10 GHz is kept between two circular patches with frequencies 9 and 11 GHz. Feed point for maximum return loss is identified using IE3D Software. Gap between the patches is varied and change in the return loss and band width is analyzed. |
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Protection Architecture for Implementing Anonymity and Traceability in Wireless Mesh Network using Clustering Concept |
Chatla Pravallika & B. Manasa |
Abstract – Wireless Mesh Network is a promising technology and is expected to be widespread due to its low investment feature and the wireless broadband services it supports, attractive to both service providers and users. However, security issues inherent in WMNs need be considered before the deployment and proliferation of these networks, since it is unappealing to subscribers to obtain services without security and privacy guarantees. For group formation multi-hop clustering algorithm namely “stable link clustering algorithm” was proposed which takes into account the long-term stability of links and neighbor nodes. Anonymity provides protection for users to enjoy network services without being traced. While anonymity related issues have been extensively studied in payment-based systems such as e-cash and peer-to-peer (P2P) systems, little effort has been devoted to wireless mesh networks (WMNs). On the other hand, the network authority requires conditional anonymity such that misbehaving entities in the network remain traceable. Security architecture to ensure unconditional anonymity for honest users and traceability of misbehaving users for network authorities in WMNs. The proposed architecture strives to resolve the conflicts between the anonymity and traceability objectives, in addition to guaranteeing fundamental security requirements including authentication, confidentiality, data integrity, and non- repudiation. Thorough analysis on security and efficiency is incorporated, demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed architecture. |
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5-Axis Milling Machine for Drilling Inclined Holes in Parts |
Anup R. Chaple |
Abstract – This present 5-axis milling machine which can be used an artifact-based identification is proposed and implemented based on drilling holes in various locations and orientations, and to produce a complex shape parts, and be easily operations done with high accuracy and reduced human effort and reduced manufacturing cycle time.
The 5-axis milling machine present in this paper is mainly composed by machine head and machine table. The machine head to rotate the machine head about a substantially vertical axis. The machine head include a tool spindle. Rotational movement of the machine head moves the tool spindle in an accurate path so that accurate shapes may be machined and drilling holes in various location and orientations, also with help of rotation of table at 3600 in vertical axis or horizontal axis. |
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RFID Based Vehicle Emissions in Cities on Internet of Things |
T. Leelaram & T.Ramya |
Abstract – The main intentions of this project are to design a system and placed inside of vehicle and maintain of database and graph for the system. The quantity of air pollution which is caused by the cars is increasing. In order to solve this serious problem, many countries and regions have already presented a series of emissions standards, meanwhile some methods has been developed, include update motor engine or improve the quality of the gasoline. However, these actions have not brought about striking effect as we expect. By applying the system, it is possible to smoothly realize a green traffic network. In this system, Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology as a low-cost and mature wireless communication method is adopted to collect and transmit emissions information of vehicles. Moreover, the RFID devices need to be installed on the traffic lights so that reliable reading of emissions signals from a vehicle can be interrogated when the vehicles stop in front of the red light. |
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Recombinant DNA and Genetic Analysis |
K. M. Rajkotia |
Abstract – The considerable advances made in microarray, sequencing technologies and bioinformatics analysis are now beginning to provide true insights into the development and maintenance of cells and tissues. Indeed areas of analysis such as metabolomics, transcriptomics and systems biology are now well established and allow analysis of vast numbers of samples simultaneously. This type of large-scale parallel analysis is now the main driving force of biological discovery and analysis. However, the techniques of molecular biology and genetic analysis have their foundations in methods developed a number of decades ago. One of the main cornerstones on which molecular biology analysis was developed was the discovery of restriction end nucleases in the early 1970s which not only led to the possibility of analyzing DNA more effectively but also provided the ability to cut different DNA molecules so that they could later be joined together to create new recombinant DNA fragments. The newly created DNA molecules heralded a new era in the manipulation, analysis and exploitation of biological molecules. This process, termed gene cloning, has enabled numerous discoveries and insights into gene structure, function and regulation. |